Special Sessions
If you are interested to organize a Special Session, please prepare your proposal according to this template and email your proposal to the Special Session chairs led by Dr Xing Zhu (secretariat@ieeeiciea.org) by the date listed in “Important Dates”.
Organization of Special Sessions
Once approved, it is the duty of the Organizers to publicize their Special Sessions to researchers and practitioners in the field and attract a sufficient number of quality papers.
Papers submitted to the Special Session will undergo the same review process as regular papers.
Successful Special Sessions: A minimum of 6 accepted papers with authors from at least 3 independent institutions (other than the organizers institutions) is required for each session. If a session has too few papers, the accepted papers will be allocated to regular sessions wherever relevant. In case of indications of weakly organized Special Sessions, the conference organizers will support the Organizers with advice and suggestions, but reserve measures including cancellation of the respective special session.
Free Conference Registration: Organizers of successful Special sessions must register for and attend the conference and chair their corresponding sessions. One complimentary full registration will be provided to each successful Special Session with at least 5 papers not authored by any of their Organizers.
Certificate of Recognition: A Certificate of Recognition will be presented to the organizers who have successfully organized a special session, in recognition of their academic leadership and achievement, and in appreciation of their contribution to the success of ICIEA.
Session Chairs: When a Special Session is finally accepted by the conference, the Organizers will serve as Session chairs in the conference. In some extenuated circumstance, Technical Program chairs and Conference General Chairs might take up full control of appointing the Session Chairs should the Organizers be unable to participate the conference.